Valentini, M. A.; Riceto Loyola JĂșnior, J. E.; Daltoe Inglez, J. C.; Ferreira, R.; Gordilho Souza, J.; Santana Guerrero, J. L.; Yucuma, D.; Texeira Liutti, V.; Bashir M. Abdelrahman, S.; Pirazzoli, M.; Kaegi-Braun, N.; Reyes, H.; Ahmed, I. M. A.; Elhiday, H.; Gadelha Guimaraes, A.; De La Cruz Oller, J.; Friend, M.; Sanches, J.; Sierra Mencia, A.; Kann, A.; Quarti Machado da Rosa, M. HYP-FAST Trial Study Protocol: A Phase II, Single-Center, Open-Label RCT Comparing the Effect of Early Time-Restricted Feeding on Blood Pressure Control Versus Standard of Care in Individuals With Primary Hypertension. PPCR 2021, 7.