Editorial Policy

The Principles and Practice of Clinical Research Journal (PPCRJ) adheres to authorship guidelines set by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

The PPCRJ editor-in-chief Felipe Fregni, MD, PHD, MMSc, MEd reviews all final (revised) submissions and may raise further questions. The editor-in-chief is the only person who can officially accept a paper for publication (unless he has conflicts with a manuscript – in this case, he also assigns an associate editor to make the final decision). Following Dr. Fregni's formal acceptance for publication, a paper will then move through the peer-review and publication process for manuscript editing, production, illustration, design, and distribution.


Content submitted manuscripts will be published at the editor-in-chief's discretion. Following initial review and screening for competing interests, compliance with editorial policies, ethical standards, and financial disclosures, each new submission is assigned to the relevant associate editor. The assigned editor reviews the manuscript against the journal's publication policies and criteria and accordingly may select reviewers to evaluate and provide feedback on the submitted manuscript.


The PPCRJ maintains a database of hundreds of peer-reviewers worldwide in all areas of medicine. Reviewers are selected based on expertise, publication history, and past reviews. The editor in charge considers the reviewer's feedback and makes the final decision on each manuscript. It is the editor's role to evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content based on publication criteria and scientific rigor - without acknowledgment of the author's race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, citizenship, political philosophy or religious belief.